We mostly know T. S. Eliot as the poet of The Waste Land, The Hollow Men, and The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.  His Four Quartets is perhaps less well known, although Eliot himself thought it was his finest poetic work.  It is regarded by many as Eliot’s magnum opus and has much to offer us by way of its sheer beauty and by way of its challenging questions and insights—into spirit, time, and eternity; into our psychology and history and place in the world; into artistic endeavor; and so much more.

First presented at the annual meeting of the T. S. Eliot Society in St. Louis and then mounted in Chicago at Provision Theater and at Newberry Library, this breakthrough reading of Eliot’s Four Quartets performed by actor/director Mike Rogalski has earned warm praise from its audiences.

“Thank you and thank you for a splendid performance!”
“Beautiful job.  Brought tears to my eyes.”

Reviewing the piece for the T. S. Eliot Society’s quarterly Time Present, Elizabeth Micakovic concluded, “Beautiful delivery combined with a wonderfully imaginative and energetic enactment of the poem served to release the text from the page.”

Four Quartets is a stunning achievement written by Eliot at the height of his powers. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to experience Four Quartets as it leaps from the page to the stage.


Running Time:  75 minutes without intermission